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Our Process: Streamlined for Success

Our comprehensive approach to Amazon advertising is designed to maximize your ROI and drive profitable sales. Here’s how we do it:

Listing Evaluation

Before launching any ads, we’ll thoroughly evaluate your listing to identify areas for enhancement. Our aim is to ensure that when we drive a surge of traffic your way, your listing is primed to convert visitors into profitable sales. We’ll meticulously optimize each component of your listing from the outset.

Audit of Campaign Manager

We’ll examine your existing campaigns to determine what’s effective and what isn’t. Whether it’s adjusting budgets, reducing keyword clutter, or reorganizing ad groups, we’ll pinpoint issues like underperforming keywords and address them. Our objective is to enhance your account’s performance, boosting your ROI, sales, and profits.

Plan of Action

Following a detailed audit, we’ll collaborate to set clear goals, milestones, and parameters to ensure we’re all on the same page. We’ll devise a tactical plan to achieve your objectives through a step-by-step advertising strategy, which could involve optimization, scaling, relaunching, or boosting organic rankings to ensure a successful outcome.

Launch and Scale

Watch our team spring into action and take the reins. Utilizing state-of-the-art systems, we swiftly roll out optimized campaigns, isolate valuable keywords, and refine your advertising strategy. We handle all the details, from campaign restructuring to identifying profitable search terms, all aimed at increasing sales, reducing ACoS & TACOS, and enhancing your profits.

Regular Analytics Updates

We keep you informed with regular updates and detailed reports that cover daily, weekly, and monthly metrics. These include PPC expenditure, sales from ads and organics, session counts, conversion rates, click-through rates, profits, and cost per acquisition. With this data, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of your Amazon account’s performance and the impact of specific changes.

Collaborative Communication on Slack

During onboarding, we’ll set up a dedicated Slack channel for daily communications. This channel is your go-to for updates, consultations, and aligning on advertising strategies or listing adjustments. Unlike typical scenarios where you may barely speak with your account manager, here you’ll directly engage with everyone involved with your account.

Continuous Optimization

We relentlessly refine and test every aspect of your ad campaigns to achieve and maintain perfection. Given Amazon’s dynamic nature, we constantly employ advanced analytics and the latest in-house technology to enhance your ads using a robust mathematical approach.
Are you interested in exploring the detailed processes behind our successful projects, or would you like to speak directly with some of our current or previous clients? We’re fully transparent and eager to provide you with all the information you need.
We build Brand on Amazon by Advertising


1.5M$ Sales

1.51 Million Dollar Sales in the last 12 Months at a profit margin of 29% on Supplement Brand

71% Revenue Increase

71 Percent Revenue Increase in the Blanket Niche

230% Growth

Growth in Revenue and Profits in Just Two Months

100k$ Sales

Added 100,000 Dollars Revenue in the Seasonal Brand


Lowered TACOS from 25% to 4% in the Baby Niche

350% Revenue

350% Revenue increase in the Clothing niche with in 2 Months

350% Revenue

350% Revenue increase in the Clothing niche with in 2 Months


Lowered TACOS from 25% to 4% in the Baby Niche

100k$ Sales

Added 100,000 Dollars Revenue in the Seasonal Brand

230% Growth

Growth in Revenue and Profits in Just Two Months

71% Revenue Increase

71 Percent Revenue Increase in the Blanket Niche

1.5M$ Sales

1.51 Million Dollar Sales in the last 12 Months at a profit margin of 29% on Supplement Brand